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Executive Impact for Women

A workshop that will help the women workforce to build skills that will prepare them for the leadership roadmap.

  • Are the women in your organisation getting lesser growth opportunities in comparison to their male counterparts?
  • Are you as an organisation turning a blind eye to the challenges your female employees face?
  • As women, are you having trouble networking for business capital?
  • Are you failing to assert as a woman leader?
  • Is the women workforce in your organisation less verbal in team meetings and discussions?
  • Is the level of visibility created for self higher by the male employees in comparison to the women?
  • As a woman, are you being seen as an emotional rather than logical decision-maker?

The “Executive Impact for Women” workshop offers a unique combination of individual and group skills-building to prepare emerging women leaders to make greater contributions to their careers and organization. And organisations that invest in the workshop also are seen to be committed to the development of a diverse workforce by sending a clear message throughout the organization of the value placed on executive women.

What is this course about?

The “Executive Impact for Women” workshop offers a unique combination of individual and group skills-building to prepare emerging women leaders to make greater contributions to their careers and organization. And organisations that invest in the workshop also are seen to be committed to the development of a diverse workforce by sending a clear message throughout the organization of the value placed on executive women.

Women in corporate are faced with the unique challenge of striking a balance between not being taken lightly for their gender, and not being seen as pushy. Most of the time, this creates the “double-bind and balancing them with a style that is effective and also feels like a good fit is difficult.

If they assert themselves forcefully, people may perceive them as not acting feminine enough, triggering a backlash. But if they act in a stereotypically feminine way, they aren’t seen as strong leaders. The shortage of female role models also makes learning leadership styles by observation difficult. After all, only 2% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women! With more male leaders to watch, navigating through the issues related to female stereotypes cannot be learnt on the job.

Women leaders clearly navigate a different societal and organizational landscape than their male counterparts. But to advance in modern organisational hierarchy, women must cope with the “second generation” gender bias, structural and attitudinal barriers to leadership roles, battle inflexible work hours to strike a work- family balance. And though the challenges may be many, its time women stepped forward to develop their leadership identity.

Who is it for?

  • Women Business leaders
  • Women Professionals
  • Women Executives

Courses Offered